Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hardwood Flooring Cleaning Guide

Congratulations, because you are a proud owner of a house which has hardwood flooring. This is due to the fact that you are the owner of a beautiful, elegant and timeless piece of property. This also means you have a property which you can sell at a good price whenever you decide to sell it in the future. Therefore, you need to have your hardwood maintained properly so that you can keep it looking like new for years. Here are some things that you need to remember when cleaning hardwood flooring. For more information on recycled hardwood see us at our reclaimed hardwood flooring company.

Primary thing that you need to do is to vacuum and sweep the floor daily. This is a good thing to do so that your vacuum or broom can remove all dust and dirt that they can remove. It is best that you do this everyday if the schedule that you have allows it. It is easier to maintain your hardwood flooring on a daily basis. The reason for this is that you will not have to deal with any dirt streaks and the likes if your floor suddenly gets wet. We have helped many people with their hardwood flooring at our reclaimed flooring company.

Second, make sure that you use a liquid cleaner that is recommended for your type of hardwood floor. It is not good to be using water and detergent in mopping your hardwood flooring since this may damage the sheen and the wood itself in the long run. Instead, you can purchase liquid cleaning solutions in the market that you can use as a replacement for the water and detergent mixture that you may have been using. Always mop your floor at least once a week so that dust and grime can be removed from the flooring. We have helped many people with their hardwood flooring at our teak decking company.

Third, be sure to place some foot rugs on entrance ways so you can minimize the dust and dirt that enters your house. This is a very helpful tip that you can follow so you will have an easier time maintaining your hardwood flooring. It will only need to be replaced every week or a few days depending on the use of the rugs and how many people wipes their feet on them.

The article just detailed some basic things that you can follow when cleaning your hardwood flooring. These can be done easily like your own personal routine. Ensure that you sweep and vacuum the floor daily. You also need to mop the floor at least weekly using a hardwood cleaning solution. You can also place foot rugs at your doorways.